Teacher - Victor Zhu Drums



Victor Zhu

Victor has a passion for music. He has 20 years of performance experience and 10 years of music teaching experience. He is currently the Drum tutor of SL Drum School and Auckland Drum School 

 - Drummer of The Cloud Children's Choir 

- Tenor singer of The Cloud Chamber Choir 

- As the percussionist of Chengdu Sweet Psalmist Children's Choir, participated in the 2024 World Choir Competition in New Zealand and won the first place in the C1 champion group

- The judge of the ‘GO! Youngster’ musical instrument competition of Skykiwi.com in 2021 

- Performed <Phantom of the Opera> at the Bruce Mason Theatre in Auckland Moon Festival in 2018. 

- Participated in the ‘Dreamwork’ in 2018 and won the third place

对音乐有着执着的热爱。拥有20年的演出经验和10年的音乐教学经验。目前担任SL Drum School资深架子鼓老师和Auckland Drum School架子鼓老师

- The Cloud Children’s Choir常任乐队鼓手

- The Cloud Chamber Choir男高音歌手

- 作为“成都美歌者童声合唱团”的打击乐手一起参加2024年新西兰世界合唱比赛获得C1冠军组世界第一名

- 担任2021年新西兰天维网“乘风少年”乐器比赛评委

- 2018年在Bruce Mason剧场参加奥克兰中秋晚会上演唱《歌剧魅影》

- 2018年参加“新秀梦工厂”获得季军